Tuesday, July 11, 2006

haha it's 7/11
you know, like the store.
laugh out loud.
like whoa.
camera's making funny beeping noise.
that's all that's going on here.
and i'm playing addiction solitaire on yahoo.
and falling asleep at the keyboard.
i'm soooooo tired.
the days are long here.
long lectures and classes and just nonstop action.
i'm soooo sore.
and all i want to do is play tennis.
i would give anything to go back to lshs and play tennis with the team.
i miss everyone back home.
no one here seems to get my sarcastic sense of humor, like everyone does at home.
but yeaaaa, just trying to stay busy, so i don't get homesick.
gotta go. latesss

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